DOMENICO DEL GIUDICE is one of the world’s most critically acclaimed Italian guitarists.

Born in Bari into a family of professional musicians, his musical studies began at a very early age. Embarking on his career early, Del Giudice has become distinguished for his truly great expressiveness and the stylistic rigors that make him stand out from the rest.

He graduated with honors in the Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello in Venice and the Ecole Nationale du Rancy in France. He then moved to Spain where he perfected his craft with Josè Tomàs. In France he continued studying the performance practice of Renaissance and Baroque music with Javier Hinojosa.
For several years, he won scholarships which allowed him to attend the university courses of Spanish music in Santiago de Compostela.

He attended courses and master classes with Manuel Barrueco, Leo Brouwer and above all David Russell, who has permanently affected Domenico’s conception of music and guitar technique.

He regularly gives concerts in Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Canada, England, USA, Argentina, Mexico, Turkey, Cyprus, Macedonia, Finland, Poland, Norway and Montenegro.

He has recorded for various Italian and foreign broadcasting television and radio stations.

His love of music from all eras makes his concerts unique and distinguished by strong contrasts in sound and style.

He collaborates regularly with flutist David Bellugi, clarinetist Gabriele Mirabassi, bandoneon player Gianni Iorio, violinists Tomasz Tomaszewski, Cihat Askin, Linda Hedlund and Carmelo Andriani.

As a soloist, he has performed guitar concertos by Giuliani, Rodrigo, Ponce, Villa Lobos, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Takemitsu, Piazzolla, Brouwer and Vivaldi.

He is currently active in major international guitar festivals and guest of major concert societies.

He played for the Noto Music Festival, Gubbio Summer Festival, Teatro Diana in Naples, Anacaprifamusica, "La Guitarra" Festival in Sint-Truiden, Hauser Guitar Festival, ICO Lecce, Festival d'Estellencs in Spain, Right Profit in Perugia, Ponce Auditorium in Mexico City , La Scala of San Telmo in Buenos Aires, Mirarte Association, Piccinni Foundation, Collegium Musicum, Wesleyan College in Macon, Festival de Guitare in Paris, ICO Bari, Florence Conservatory, Sounds of the Dolomites, Collegium Pro Musica, Ateneo de la Guitarra in Madrid, Soloists Dauni, Teatro Verdi in Pisa, Guitar Festival of Gaeta, Guitar Festival of Civitavecchia, Napolitano Foundation, Festival Escala Empuries, Ohrid Music Festival, Grieg Festival in Bergen, International Guitar Festival in Istanbul, Festival “Bellepais” in Cyprus, Opole Philharmonic and so on.

As a teacher, he is regularly invited by major music academies and institutions to give classes in proficiency, master classes and seminars: "International Course of Guitar" in Gaeta, "Gubbio Summer Festival”, "José Tomás Guitar Days" in Deruta, "Internationales Gitarrenseminar" in Reisbach and “Classicastello” in Diano Castello.

Domenico plays a guitar made by the german luthier Matthias Dammann.